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I have nearly 20 years of experience in the field of electrical insulation materials, I find that many people who want to buy POLYIMIDE FILM are not very clear understanding of the role of POLYIMIDE FILM and its application, the following article I will carefully introduce POLYIMIDE FILM with you, I hope that my years of experience can help you.

Since the 1990s, POLYIMIDE FILM has been used to develop micromechanical sensor devices. In recent years, countries are including the research, development and utilization of PI as one of the most promising engineering plastics in the 21st century.

In 2021, the global consumption of POLYIMIDE FILM has reached 2.2 billion dollars.

In this post, I will introduce you to the true definition of POLYIMIDE FILM and its types, applications, and finally, frequently asked questions about POLYIMIDE FILM.

I’ve also written an article before about some of the better current manufacturers of POLYIMIDE FILM, so if you need it you can read this article and save yourself some time:Top 10 Polyimide Films Manufacturers In The World.


1. Brief Overview of Polyimide Film

Polyimide films are typically made by mixing pyrrolidine dianhydride (PMDA) and oxydiphenylamine (ODA) in a strong solvent such as N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC). The process involves condensation and casting of the film in solution, followed by imidization, resulting in superior Polyimide Films.

Polyimide films are distinguished by their excellent mechanical properties, best-in-class electrical properties, unwavering chemical stability, high radiation resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures (high and low).

It is no surprise that polyimide films are the world’s most important thin-film insulating materials.

2. Importance in various industries

I wrote an article Key Applications Of Polyimide Film In Various Industries, which describes more specifically the applications of Polyimide Film in various industries.

What is Polyimide Film?

1. Definition and Composition of Polyimide Film

Polyimide film is a high-performance polymer known for its lightweight, flexibility, and exceptional resistance to heat and chemicals. It is widely used in the electronics industry for flexible cables, insulating films on magnet wire, and flexible printed circuits, providing durability and reliability in extreme environments.

2. Properties and Characteristics

Polyimide film can withstand very extreme temperatures without melting or deforming, and is often used in applications where high temperatures are required due to its properties.
Polyimide Film is very durable and has excellent mechanical properties such as high tensile strength and dimensional stability.
Polyimide film is highly resistant to chemicals and other oils and will not corrode easily, even in harsh environments.
The characteristics of polyimide film are highly summarized in the following eight points:

  1. high temperature resistance
  2. mechanical strength
  3. chemical stability
  4. electrical insulation
  5. Dimensional stability
  6. Low coefficient of thermal expansion
  7. Excellent dielectric strength
  8. light weight and thinness

If you need a product that requires the above, you can choose Polyimide Film.

3. Production Process of Polyimide Film

The production process of polyimide film is as follows: first is the polymerization stage, small molecules polymerization to form large molecules polymerization chain; then is the film, similar to the large molecules rolled into a thin and uniform film; followed by atomization, so that the film becomes detailed and uniform; followed by heat treatment, so that the film is adjusted at high temperatures; after that is the quality control link, strict supervision to ensure product quality; and finally is the post-processing, so that the surface of the film is more smooth The last step is post-processing, which makes the surface of the film smoother and free of impurities.

These six steps are interlocking and are all critical to producing a quality polyimide film.

4. Overview of Polyimide Film

Polyimide Film is a high-performance adhesive tape that exhibits exceptional properties with its unique backing material. The film is highly resistant to high temperatures, is impervious to forces, has excellent resistance to chemical attack, and has excellent insulating capabilities.

The tape’s ability to remain stable in extreme temperatures makes it a favorite in the electronics, aerospace, automotive and manufacturing industries. Not only does it effectively protect, insulate and shield a wide range of objects, it is also known as the all-purpose green guardian.

5. Comparison with Ther Industrial Films

When it comes to heat resistance, polyimide film is the best, able to withstand ultra-high temperatures, from minus 269°C to over 260°C. It’s a powerhouse in the high-temperature arena. PET film is also good at heat, but not as strong at extreme temperatures, and PE film is less resistant to low temperatures, and can be soft.

In terms of mechanical strength, polyimide film is very strong and can cope with all kinds of harsh conditions, PET film is also good, but may be a bit weaker under extreme conditions, PE film is more fragile and does not have high mechanical strength.

Then there is chemical stability, polyimide film can resist a variety of chemicals, no discoloration and deformation, PET film chemical resistance is also good, but worse than polyimide film, PE film is easy to be eroded.

Finally, the electrical insulation properties, polyimide film is a good helper in the field of electrical and electronic, insulation performance is superb, PET film is also good in this regard, but high temperature environment may be a little worse, PE film’s electrical insulation properties on the general.

Applications of Polyimide Film

Polyimide film has a wide range of applications across various sectors. In electronics, aerospace, and other industries, it is used for its excellent electrical insulation properties, heat resistance, and chemical stability.

For a detailed exploration of the specific uses of polyimide film in electronics, aerospace, and other sectors, as well as the benefits and advantages it offers, please read our comprehensive article on Applications of Polyimide Film.

What is Polyimide Film Tape Used For?

1. Detailed explanation of polyimide film tape

Polyimide film tape is an adhesive tape made of polyimide film with excellent properties such as high temperature resistance, chemical stability, and electrical insulation.

2. Various applications and case studies

It has a wide range of applications, for example, in the electronics industry, it can be used for the encapsulation of electronic components, protection and insulation of circuit boards; in the aerospace field, it can be used for heat insulation and insulation of aircraft; in the industrial field, it can be used for sealing and insulation of pipelines and so on.

3. Role in electrical insulation and heat resistance

In terms of electrical insulation, polyimide film tape can provide good insulating properties to prevent current leakage and short circuit. In terms of heat resistance, it can maintain its performance in high temperature environments to ensure the normal operation of equipment.

Is Polyimide a Plastic?

1. Comparison of polyimide with common plastics

Polyimides differ from common plastics in some ways. While plastics are usually referred to as a broad class of synthetic materials, polyimides have a unique chemical structure and properties.

2. Chemical structure and material properties

Polyimide has a complex chemical structure and usually contains imide groups. It has high heat resistance, mechanical strength and chemical stability.

3. Clarification of common misconceptions

Some people may mistake polyimide for a common plastic, but it actually offers significant performance advantages for a number of applications with high material requirements.

4. The Versatility of Polyimide

Broader uses of polyimide material beyond film:In addition to films, polyimide materials can be used to make a wide variety of products, such as fibers, coatings, and composites.

Innovative applications in new technologies:With the continuous development of science and technology, polyimide has innovative applications in some emerging fields, such as in semiconductors, photovoltaics, energy storage and other fields.

Advantages of Using Polyimide Film

  1. Durability and reliability:Polyimide films are extremely durable and resistant to damage or failure, allowing for consistent performance over long periods of time.
  2. Thermal stability and chemical resistance:It is able to maintain good performance under high temperatures and various chemicals and is not susceptible to corrosion or deterioration.
  3. Performance in extreme environments:Polyimide films continue to function even under extreme temperatures, humidity or other harsh conditions.


1. Summary of Key Points

Polyimide Film Tape is a tape made from polyimide film with excellent performance.

Its key features include good high temperature resistance, chemical stability and electrical insulation. This tape is able to remain stable in high temperature environments, resist chemical attack, and effectively isolate electrical equipment. It plays an important role in many fields such as high temperature process, chemical field, electronic industry, etc., and has become one of the indispensable materials in various industries.

2. Future Outlook for Polyimide Pilm Industry

The market prospect of polyimide film is quite broad. With the continuous progress of science and technology, its application areas will be further expanded. In the electronics industry, polyimide film will be more widely used in the manufacture of electronic components such as flexible circuit boards and printed circuit boards.

In the field of new energy, its good insulation and heat-resistant properties allow it to be used in the production of lithium-ion batteries, photovoltaic cells and other components. In addition, the development of automotive, aerospace and other industries will also lead to increased demand for polyimide film.

However, as the market demand grows, the competition in the polyimide film industry will also become more intense. Manufacturers need to continuously improve product quality and performance to meet market demand. At the same time, strengthening technological innovation and R&D to increase the added value of products is also a key focus for manufacturers.

FAQ Section

1.How big is the polyimide film market?

Polyimide Films Market is huge and reached USD 2.13 billion in 2021. It is expected to grow to USD 2.3 billion in 2022 and further to USD 4.19 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period (2023-2030).

2.Who are the Manufactories of Polyimide Film?

There are many manufactories of polyimide film, here is my compilation of the top eight common suppliers in the market:

  1. DuPont: a globally recognized chemical company offering a wide range of polyimide film products.
  2. Chengdu Q-Mantic Industrial Products Co., Ltd.: a Chinese company based on polyimide film, polyimide film has a good reputation in the industry.
  3. UBE Industries: A Japanese chemical company that produces high quality polyimide films.
  4. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC): one of the world’s leading petrochemical companies, also supplying polyimide films.
  5. Toray: A Japanese chemical company with a market share of polyimide films.
  6. bell chemical (Kaneka): a well-known chemical company in Japan, providing a variety of polyimide film solutions.
  7. Rogers Corporation (Rogers): a supplier specializing in high-performance materials, its polyimide films are widely used in the electronics field.
  8. 3M: A diversified technology company offering a wide range of polyimide film products.

3.How to tell if a Polyimide Film supplier is reliable?

When choosing a polyimide film supplier, you need to consider factors such as product quality, technical strength, production capacity, industry experience, customer evaluation, after-sales service, reasonable price, and integrity.

  1. DuPont: Known for its excellent product quality and technical strength, as well as its extensive experience in the industry.
  2. Chengdu Q-Mantic Industrial Products Co., Ltd.: has a certain advantage in terms of price and focuses on honest management.
  3. Ube Kogyo: product quality and technical strength may be outstanding, and it has accumulated experience in the industry.
  4. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation: larger scale, strong production capacity, and certain price competitiveness.
  5. Toray: likely to excel in product quality, technological innovation, and industry experience.
  6. Zhonghua: favored for its professional after-sales service and good customer ratings.
  7. Rogers Corporation: technical strength and product quality are likely to be its strengths, along with good customer ratings.
  8. 3M: favored for its diversified products and innovative capabilities, with unique technological advantages in certain areas.

4.Is polyimide the same as Kapton?

Polyimide is not exactly the same as Kapton, a polyimide film produced by DuPont.

Although Kapton is a type of polyimide, not all polyimides can be called Kapton Other suppliers may produce similar polyimide films, but they may have different properties and characteristics.

5.Are there any benefits of wholesale polyimide film from China?

China, as a large manufacturing country, has the advantage of scale production and cost control, and is able to offer more competitive pricing, which helps to reduce purchasing costs.

Q-Mantic manufactures polyimide films, especially bi-oriented PI films, which have replaced SKC (Korea) PI and Taimide PI (Taiwan) in some applications. However, their prices are lower than foreign PI films.

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